So finally here is a post about the photo shoot for my mothers
It took place at a new art galary/restaurant/boutique/don't even know how to call it in general!But anyway I can say that it's totaly unusual place for our city. It is called Loft project "Storeys" and it is situated in old building of bread-baking plant. I was working for this photo shoot as a make up artist/stylist so I had to make all the looks from head to toes. I'm working as a stylist only for half a year now and I have a good advice for all of you who wants to become a stylist-start collecting costume jewellery and other accessories right now because if you work at photo shoot yo need a HUGE amount of such things to complete the looks. All
clothes on the model are from my mothers shop except the shoes and costume jewellery(they are from my own collection).
Some more words about the place...As I already told you that day I was feeling absolutely happy because that place was giving me such a great charge of inspiration that I believed that I can fulfil my dreams even in Saint-Petersburg. The best thing is that all the people that come there are extremely creative and that makes me believe that I'm not the only person here who wants to do not dull office work but create something special and that I can earn a living doing what I really like.Now I feel that my life is changing ,I'm getting mature and that day my inner voice whispered me that I do right things and that I'm on the right track.
All the photos that you see here are some kind of "behind the scenes" and made by me. Photos from the fall campaign are not ready yet so I'll show you them later.
Concentrated on work for 100%)))

OMG!What a beatiful face!!!I'm ready to make it up all the time!I've already arranged with Olga about some future make up projects.

The place where most of the photos were taken was very modern so I decided to do quite an edgy make up for eyes and make pale lips.

Big part of my collection of studded things was used for this look.

Posing when have some spare minutes.

Wearing my fave tee by Danny Robers again. Black and white is my fave color combination now.

Watching the intermediate results with our creative crew.


The cafe.

Garden of rubber stones-installation by Petr Belyi.

Tea break.Every trifle there has it's own concept.

You have to be always ready to adjust make up and hair during the photo shoot.

Urban jungle.

One of my fave looks.

To be continued...Stay tuned!