Friday, December 23, 2011
FashionMind - the most interesting blog of the week according to Grazia magazine

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sorry for the silence! I promised to announce the winner of the contest from LOVE on Saturday but the bliss of the weekend absorbed me and I came to myself only on the Sanday evening. Though I didn't forget about the contest so I checked the number of the winner on random.org at the beggining of Saturday! Must say that I was quite surprized by the number that I got because I was expecting some number between 1 and 22 but it showed number 1! So Natasha (Natasha Bazooka)turned out to be a winner! My congratulations to Natasha! I wish her to wear the dress from LOVE with pleasure!
PS: Следите за моими постами, потому что я и в дальнейшем планирую устраивать на своем блоге подобные конкурсы!
Stay tuned because I'm going to continue the tradition of such contests on my blog!
Thursday, December 01, 2011

2) поставьте like на странице LOVE на Facebook
3)оставьте ТОЛЬКО ОДИН комментарий к этому посту (укажите свой email и ссылку на понравившееся платье от LOVE)
I have great news for you! I'm talking about the brand LOVE that was spoiling me with beautyful gifts before and now decided to bestow one of my readers that I will choose randomly (by number) next Friday! This lucky one will be able to choose any dress as a gift from their site. I think it's more than timely giveaway because I'm sure you puzzling over the question what to wear for the New Year's party! The more pleasant to wear a dress that you got just because of luck! The rules of the contest are very simple:
1) Follow FashionMind via Bloglovin' or via Google Friend Connect (on the right side of the page)
2) "Like" the page of LOVE on Facebook
3) Leave ONLY ONE comment for this post (with your email address and the link to your fave dress from LOVE)

PS: Победителя я объявлю в следующую субботу (10 декабря). Дерзайте! :)
The winner will be announced next Saturday (10 of December). Ready-Steady-Go!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Day in bed - the sweetest captivity
PS: Пожалуй, это крайне жестокий пост для работающих в эту пятницу)) Зато есть о чем помечтать - ведь уже завтра начинаются выходные!
Translation: I'm extremely busy and very tired lately so the only thing I'm dreaming of now - a day in bed with soft and airy blanket and nothing to do. Bedroom was always my fave place in the house and its aesthetics was always very important for me. These images can't leave anyone indifferent - these cozy beds just lure you to forget about everything and stay in their sweet captivity. The full translation is HERE.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
AFW meeting and skyscraper heels
Translation: Today I attended the meeting with Aurora Fashion Week directorate for the second time. This meeting was useful for both sides this time - for AFW because they could hear about all the bad moments in organisation and work them out and for bloggers because they could know about all big changes and future projects earlier than anyone else. In general impression of the meeting was quite positive so I didn't want to stop getting good emotions this evening and went to Café Centrale to meet Julia, chat a bit and have my favourite lemon cake. These weren't the only good things about this day. It's not so cold here in SPb yet so I had a chance to wear some of my latest not so warm puchases/gifts. One of them - this loafer look like boots with skyscraper heels - they turned out to be extremely comfortable though I walked a lot in them today. I think these shoes are the most hi -heeled and the most comfy in my wardrobe. Another - this nice blue assimetrical skirt - one of the gifts from LOVE that I mentioned in the last post. So it was a pleasant day with a funny ending - during our short photosession with freezed Julia near the door of the Court an angry lady came out and told us that we would have problems if we won't stop making photos there. It's just like that in my country - you never know if you are allowed to make outfit photos near some door outside in the center of the city.

Saturday, November 12, 2011
I love LOVE
Все любят подарки, а уж я тем более! А еще больше, когда это какой-то неожиданный подарок, а еще лучше просто так без повода! Недавно (хотя скорее уже давно) мне написала милая девушка от английского бренда LOVE , чтобы узнать мой почтовый адрес и выслать подарки от них. Естественно это было очень приятное предложение, тем более ,что мне понравилось то, что они делают. Не прошло и двух месяцев, как долгожданная посылка все-таки оказалась у меня! Как показывает практика – многие бренды хотят работать с русскими fashion-блогерами, ведь ни для кого не секрет, что сейчас российский рынок для них- лакомый кусок. Только вот у этой приятной инициативы есть одна очень большая и гадкая преграда – наша почта работает просто отвратительно. Как говорится, «Почта России – и пусть весь мир подождет!». Надеюсь, что подобные трудности все-таки не отпугнут интересные бренды, которые готовы предложить нашим блогерам сотрудничество. Скоро я покажу вам свои образы с вещами от LOVE. Stay tuned.
Translation: Everyone loves gifts and especially myself! And even more when it’s a surprise gift, or even better just for no reason! Some time ago (though rather long time already) a nice girl from UK brand LOVE mailed me asking for my post address to send me some gifts. Of course it was a very sweet offer , the more because I liked their style and the items itself. After almost two months I finally got this long-awaited parcel (of course not because LOVE sent it to me so late). As practice shows – many brands want to work with Russian fashion-bloggers. There is no secret – Russian market is a tidbit for all brands now. Unfortunately this nice initiative has a large and nasty barrier – Russian post works terribly. As we say “Russian Post –and let the whole world wait!”. I hope that such problems won’t scare off interesting brands that want to make collaborations with Russian fashion-bloggers. Soon I’ll show you my looks with LOVE items. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, November 09, 2011
we found love in a hopeless place