I told about my plans for the giveaway some time ago and finally I have time to make it so don't miss it!:) You have a chance to win some interesting items in RUSSIAN STYLE! As I like drawings a lot I decided that it would be nice if you make them for me to win some great things. You can use any of my photos and make a drawing of it that can be suitable for the header of my blog.
So to enter this GIVEAWAY you just need to:
1) Choose any of my photos and make drawing(s) of it that can be suitable for the header of my blog( you can use any technique for the drawing that you like).
2) Send it to my mail before the 11th of January (fashionista01@mail.ru) and name the letter RUSSIAN GIVEAWAY so I can see that you entering the contest and it's not some kind of spam.Don't forget to write your name in the letter.
3) Wait for the results that I'll announce on the 11th of January!So you have a month from now on to create something amazing and win!:)
GOOD LUCK! Use your imagination!:)