Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Marie Antoinette for Halloween was a success

So finally here are the photos from Halloween! It was the first time when I decided to dress for Halloween properly and I had so much fun! Luckily all my friends were wearing fancy dresses so I was dying laughing when I saw them. I was Marie Antoinette or Versailles whore-what you like better))As I was wearing such crazy wig almost all my acquaintances couldn't recognize me and I liked it a lot. Unfortunately not so many people in clubs were dressed for Halloween though I think that it is the only day in a year when the dress code should be very strict.

Versailles whore and her friend cat-woman)))

My fave photo! Such different characters-so fun!

And who were you for Halloween? I want to see your photos!:)


  1. wow, this is stunning.. (: you made an effort to prepare the costume, it shows!
    i was the slutty bumble-bee.. nothing too fancy. P:
