Wednesday, January 26, 2011

magic is near

Lately I don't let myself to go shopping for some reasons but today I couldn't resist because I saw one really magical piece in Topshop. This necklace is so simple but so special and it definetely can give a special mood when you wear it. Can't wait to try it on with the most airy dress I have.Spring will come soon. I'm sure.
Последнее время я редко позволяю себе делать покупки по некоторым причинам, но сегодня я не смогла устоять, поскольку увидела в Topshop одну волшебную вещь. Этот кулон такой простой,но такой особенный,и самое главное,что эта вещь может задать настроение всему образу. Мне уже не терпится примерить его с самым легким платьем,что у меня есть. До весны осталось не долго!Я точно знаю.


  1. I really love that necklace you made a goodchoice on buying it.

  2. wooow :) ich bin verzaubert von deinem blog

  3. Hey,

    it would be great if you could do a post about Saint-Petersburg, your favourite places, and places that you would show if someone from abroad would be visiting you!

    What is it like living there? Do you like the city?

  4. That's a great idea! I was thinking about it but didn't know if it was interesting for my readers, so now I know that it is!:) I'm going to work at it ASAP

  5. красивое колье)нравится блог)
