Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My bum is screaming SALAD!!!

Let's face it-I'm not Claudia Schiffer . Yesterday while drinking red wine alone and dancing for some stupid song at home I invented my look for the upcoming Halloween party. This time I'm going to wear something really tight so hello fruit and vegetables and bye-bye fast food and sweets.

So that's how my lunch looked today

(salad with ruccola and mozzarella, bread with low fat ham and a cup of green tea without sugar)

1 comment:

  1. Олтичный салат!! могу питаться такими месяцами =) в последнее время гостям предлагаю вот такие здоровые салатики вмеcто наших оливье и селедки под шубой =)

    И - WOW - кружка IITTALA taika! Балдею от этой коллекции =)
